
Our first Monday of the month meeting had to be moved from January 1st and we met up last night the 15th of January 2024. Special approval had been applied for and permission provided and this letter of dispensation had to be read out in full (This was a first for me)

Sadly we also had to receive a moving eulogy for a bother who had sadly passed to the mansions above. It was also marvellous to hear memories from other brethren on his illustrious time at the lodge.

The next item on the agenda was to receive an enlightening Masonic talk entitled, ‘The Master Builders’. It was written by another brother from a different lodge who was unfortunately unable to attend and wonderfully delivered by a member of our lodge. This was a definitely a leaning night for me. I know so much more, for instance, why we wear white gloves.

We also received a reading of a research paper believed to have been generated by veterinary students as opposed to learned professors. The first few sentences included many medical terms (possibly in Latin), on the evolution, changing grazing habits and potential possibility of the haggis’s actual extinction.

It was also our Haggis night with all the wonderful pageantry of the evening that we create here a Mitton Lodge. The food was scrumptious, pipe playing powerful, speeches insightful and toasts respectful, Oh and that special Haggis gravy packed a punch!

It was also delightful to have a good number of visitors in attendance and who made such an amazing improvement to the evening.

Well, back to the normal calendar now……oh, except our Installation in April, that has had to be moved to April the 8th as the 1st is Easter Monday. (Please see our website for details.)

If you think you might be interested in becoming a mason, please do get in touch.

p.s. Happy New Year