We had the installation of installations here a Mitton Lodge in Stourport on Monday 3rd April 2023. We had the most amazing provincial team to assist us who had also generously agreed to stay robed so we could take some pictures for this our new website. They were all faultless in their most professional and meaningful delivery. We can’t thank them enough.

The picture we took for the front page of this our website
Our Master/ IPM did a brilliant job, the working tools where all presented word perfectly and our new Master completed the ceremony in the most professional and friendly manor, it really was the most happy event.
We also had impressive support from our many visitors who travelled from far and wide to support us and this really made the difference to the atmosphere within the lodge and later at the festive board.

Most of our visitors were able to stay for this picture
The provincial team were also delighted to receive a further cheque from Mitton Lodge in support of our province’s 2022 appeal of £2022. We all find out if we managed to make our challenging target in about 4 weeks.

Our festive board was again delicious and the many toasts and speeches all went down so well. It truly was a celebration of progression and brotherly support.

If you think you might enjoy masonry, do please get in touch and we can meet up for a coffee/beer and give you an overview of what we are all about. As well as a contact-us-page we also have lots of other information, including videos and podcasts on this our website.